Magento BI Getting Started

Before you begin, you should checkout the Magento BI Libraries section to install your chosen client library. Here are some quick examples that can get you started with the Import API

Create a Users Table

Your most important table in RJMetrics is your Users table. In your app, you probably have a user object with some data like id, email, and acquisition_source.

Let’s walk through how you would push this data to the Import API.

First, let’s lay out a template for pushing the data. We’ll make sure the client is authenticated and prepare to push the data to the Import API.

var rjmetrics = require("rjmetrics");
client = new rjmetrics.Client(your-client-id, "your-api-key");

// make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
client.authenticate().then( function(data) {
  // this is where we'll push the data
}).fail(function(err) {
  console.error("Failed to authenticate!");
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new RJMetrics\Client($your-client-id, "your-api-key");

// make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
if($client->authenticate()) {
  // this is where we'll push the data
(ns examples.acquisition-source
  (:require [rjmetrics.core :as rjmetrics]))

(defn run
  (let [config {:client-id your-client-id :api-key "your-api-key"}]
    (when (rjmetrics/authenticated? config)
      ;; this is where we'll push data
require "rjmetrics_client"
client =, "your-api-key")

# make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
if client.authenticated?
  # this is where we'll push data
import rjmetrics.client
client = rjmetrics.client.Client(your_client_id, "your_api_key")

# make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
if client.authenticate()
  # this is where we'll push data

Next, we want to actually push the data. Let’s create a new function to do the dirty work of syncing the new data. Check out the upsert documentation to learn about the specifics on data that can be pushed to the API.

function syncUser(client, user) {
  return client.pushData(
    // table named "users"
      // user_id is the unique key here, since each user should only
      // have one record in this table
      "keys": ["id"],
      "acquisition_source": user.acquisition_source
function syncUser($client, $user) {
  $dataToPush = new stdClass();
  $dataToPush->id = $user->id;
  $dataToPush->email = $user->email;
  $dataToPush->acquisition_source = $user->acquisitionSource;
  // user_id is the unique key here, since each user should only
  // have one record in this table
  $dataToPush->keys = array("id");

  // table named "users"
  return $client->pushData("users", $dataToPush);
(defn- sync-user
  [config user]
  (let [result (rjmetrics/push-data config
                                    ;; table named "users"
                                    ;; user_id is the unique key here, since each user
                                    ;; should only have one record in the table
                                    (assoc user :keys ["id"]))]
    (if (= (-> result first :status) 201)
        (print "Synced user with id" (:id user) "\n")
        (print "Failed to sync user with id" (:id user) "\n"))))
def sync_user(client, user)
  # `id` is the unique key here, since each user should only
  # have one record in this table
  user[:keys] = [:id]
  # table named "users"
  return client.pushData("users", user)
def sync_user(client, user):
  # `id` is the unique key here, since each user should only
  # have one record in this table
  user["keys"] = ["id"]
  # table named "users"
  return client.push_data("users", [user]) # NOTE: the python library only pushes lists

Putting it all together, we incorporate the syncUser function into our original script.

var rjmetrics = require("rjmetrics");
var client = new rjmetrics.Client(your-client-id, "your-api-key");

function syncUser(client, user) {
  return client.pushData(
    // table named "users"
      // user_id is the unique key here, since each user should only
      // have one record in this table
      "keys": ["id"],
      "acquisition_source": user.acquisition_source

// let's define some fake users
var users = [
  {id: 1, email: "", acquisition_source: "PPC"},
  {id: 2, email: "", acquisition_source: "PPC"},
  {id: 3, email: "", acquisition_source: "Referral"},
  {id: 4, email: "", acquisition_source: "Organic"},
  {id: 5, email: "", acquisition_source: "Organic"},

// make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
client.authenticate().then( function(data) {

  // iterate through users and push data
  users.forEach( function(user) {
    syncUser(client, user).then( function(data) {
      console.log("Synced user with id " +;
    }, function(error) {
      console.error("Failed to sync user with id " +;

}).fail(function(err) {
  console.error("Failed to authenticate!");
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new RJMetrics\Client($your-client-id, "your-api-key");

function syncUser($client, $user) {
  $dataToPush = new stdClass();
  $dataToPush->id = $user->id;
  $dataToPush->email = $user->email;
  $dataToPush->acquisition_source = $user->acquisitionSource;
  // user_id is the unique key here, since each user should only
  // have one record in this table
  $dataToPush->keys = array("id");

  // table named "users"
  return $client->pushData("users", $dataToPush);

// let's define some fake users
function fakeUserGenerator($id, $email, $acquisitionSource) {
  $toReturn = new stdClass();

  $toReturn->id = $id;
  $toReturn->email = $email;
  $toReturn->acquisitionSource = $acquisitionSource;

  return $toReturn;

$users = array(
  fakeUserGenerator(1, "", "PPC"),
  fakeUserGenerator(2, "", "PPC"),
  fakeUserGenerator(3, "", "Referral"),
  fakeUserGenerator(4, "", "Organic"),
  fakeUserGenerator(5, "", "Organic"),

// make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
if($client->authenticate()) {
  // iterate through users and push data
  foreach($users as $user) {
    $responses = syncUser($client, $user);

    // api calls always return an array of responses
    foreach($responses as $response) {
      if($response->code == 201)
        print("Synced user with id {$user->id}\n");
        print("Failed to sync user with id {$user->id}\n");
(ns examples.acquisition-source
  (:require [rjmetrics.core :as rjmetrics]))

(defn- sync-user
  [config user]
  (let [result (rjmetrics/push-data config
                                    ;; table named "users"
                                    ;; user_id is the unique key here, since each user
                                    ;; should only have one record in the table
                                    (assoc user :keys ["id"]))]
    (if (= (-> result first :status) 201)
        (print "Synced user with id" (:id user) "\n")
        (print "Failed to sync user with id" (:id user) "\n"))))

(defn run
  (let [config {:client-id your-client-id :api-key "your-api-key"}
        ;; let's define some fake users
        users [{:id 1, :email "", :acquisition_source "PPC"}
               {:id 2, :email "", :acquisition_source "PPC"}
               {:id 3, :email "", :acquisition_source "Referral"}
               {:id 4, :email "", :acquisition_source "Organic"}
               {:id 5, :email "", :acquisition_source "Organic"}]]
    ;; make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
    (when (rjmetrics/authenticated? config)
      ;; iterate through users and push data
      (dorun (map (partial sync-user config) users)))))
require "rjmetrics_client"
client =, "your-client-id")

# let's define some fake users
fake_users = [
  {:id => 1, :email => "", :acquisition_source => "PPC"},
  {:id => 2, :email => "", :acquisition_source => "PPC"},
  {:id => 3, :email => "", :acquisition_source => "Referral"},
  {:id => 4, :email => "", :acquisition_source => "Organic"},
  {:id => 5, :email => "", :acquisition_source => "Organic"}

def sync_user(client, user)
  # `id` is the unique key here, since each user should only
  # have one record in this table
  user[:keys] = [:id]
  # table named "users"
  return client.pushData("users", user)

# make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
if client.authenticated?
  fake_users.each do |user|
    # iterate through users and push data
    sync_user(client, user).each do |response|
      if response["code"]
        puts "Synced user with id #{user[:id]}"
        puts "Failed to sync user with id #{user[:id]}"
import rjmetrics.client

CLIENT_ID = 0000
API_KEY = 'your_api_key'

client = rjmetrics.client.Client(CLIENT_ID, API_KEY)

# let's define some fake users
fake_users = [
  {"id": 1, "email": "", "acquisition_source": "PPC"},
  {"id": 2, "email": "", "acquisition_source": "PPC"},
  {"id": 3, "email": "", "acquisition_source": "Referral"},
  {"id": 4, "email": "", "acquisition_source": "Organic"},
  {"id": 5, "email": "", "acquisition_source": "Organic"}

def sync_user(client, user):
  # `id` is the unique key here, since each user should only
  # have one record in this table
  user["keys"] = ["id"]
  # table named "users"
  return client.push_data("users", [user])[0]

# make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
if client.authenticate():
  for user in fake_users:
    # iterate through users and push data
    response = sync_user(client, user)
    if response.ok:
        print "Synced user with id ", user["id"]
        print "Failed to sync user with id ", user["id"]

This example is included with the client libraries or can be downloaded from github.

npm install
node users-table.js
composer install
php users-table.php
lein repl

> (ns examples.users-table)
> (require :reload 'examples.users-table)
> (run)
bundle install
ruby users-table.rb
pip install
python examples/

Create an Orders Table

Now, let’s create an orders table with the following fields: id, user_id, value and sku.

We’ll need a new function to push the order object:

function syncOrder(client, order) {
  return client.pushData(
      "keys": ["id"],
      "user_id": order.user_id,
      "value": order.value,
      "sku": order.sku
function syncOrder($client, $order) {
  $dataToPush = new stdClass();
  $dataToPush->id = $order->id;
  $dataToPush->user_id = $order->user_id;
  $dataToPush->value = $order->value;
  $dataToPush->sku = $order->sku;
  $dataToPush->keys = array("id");

  return $client->pushData("orders", $dataToPush);
(defn- sync-order
  [config order]
  (let [result (rjmetrics/push-data config
                                    (assoc order :keys ["id"]))]
    (if (= (-> result first :status) 201)
        (print "Synced order with id" (:id order) "\n")
        (print "Failed to sync order with id" (:id order) "\n"))))
def sync_order(client, order)
  order[:keys] = [:id]
  return client.pushData("orders", order)
def sync_order(client, order):
  order["keys"] = ["id"]
  return client.push_data("orders", [order])[0]

Now, we can plug this into the same template from the users table:

var rjmetrics = require("rjmetrics");
var client = new rjmetrics.Client(your-client-id, "your-api-key");

function syncOrder(client, order) {
  return client.pushData(
      "keys": ["id"],
      "user_id": order.user_id,
      "value": order.value,
      "sku": order.sku

var orders = [
  {"id": 1, "user_id": 1, "value": 58.40,  "sku": "milky-white-suede-shoes"},
  {"id": 2, "user_id": 1, "value": 23.99,  "sku": "red-button-down-fleece"},
  {"id": 3, "user_id": 2, "value": 5.00,   "sku": "bottle-o-bubbles"},
  {"id": 4, "user_id": 3, "value": 120.01, "sku": "zebra-striped-game-boy"},
  {"id": 5, "user_id": 5, "value": 9.90  , "sku": "kitten-mittons"}

client.authenticate().then( function(data) {

  orders.forEach( function(order) {
    syncOrder(client, order).then( function(data) {
      console.log("Synced order with id " +;
    }, function(error) {
      console.error("Failed to sync order with id " +;

}).fail(function(err) {
  console.error("Failed to authenticate!");
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new RJMetrics\Client($your-client-id, "your-api-key");

function syncOrder($client, $order) {
  $dataToPush = new stdClass();
  $dataToPush->id = $order->id;
  $dataToPush->user_id = $order->user_id;
  $dataToPush->value = $order->value;
  $dataToPush->sku = $order->sku;
  $dataToPush->keys = array("id");

  return $client->pushData("orders", $dataToPush);

function fakeOrderGenerator($id, $userId, $value, $sku) {
  $toReturn = new stdClass();

  $toReturn->id = $id;
  $toReturn->user_id = $userId;
  $toReturn->value = $value;
  $toReturn->sku = $sku;

  return $toReturn;

$orders = array(
  fakeOrderGenerator(1, 1, 58.40, "milky-white-suede-shoes"),
  fakeOrderGenerator(2, 1, 23.99, "red-buttons-down-fleece"),
  fakeOrderGenerator(3, 2, 5.00, "bottle-o-bubbles"),
  fakeOrderGenerator(4, 3, 120.01, "zebra-striped-game-boy"),
  fakeOrderGenerator(5, 5, 9.90, "kitten-mittons")

if($client->authenticate()) {
  foreach($orders as $order) {
    $responses = syncOrder($client, $order);

    foreach($responses as $response) {
      if($response->code == 201)
        print("Synced order with id {$order->id}\n");
        print("Failed to sync order with id {$order->id}\n");
(ns examples.orders-table
  (:require [rjmetrics.core :as rjmetrics]))

(defn- sync-order
  [config order]
  (let [result (rjmetrics/push-data config
                                    (assoc order :keys ["id"]))]
    (if (= (-> result first :status) 201)
        (print "Synced order with id" (:id order) "\n")
        (print "Failed to sync orfer with id" (:id order) "\n"))))

(defn run
  (let [config {:client-id your-client-id :api-key "your-api-key"}
        orders [{:id 1, :user_id 1 :value 58.40  :sku "milky-white-suede-shoes"}
                {:id 2, :user_id 1 :value 23.99  :sku "red-button-down-fleece"}
                {:id 3, :user_id 2 :value 5.00   :sku "bottle-o-bubbles"}
                {:id 4, :user_id 3 :value 120.01 :sku "zebra-striped-game-boy"}
                {:id 5, :user_id 5 :value 9.90   :sku "kitten-mittons"}]]
    (when (rjmetrics/authenticated? config)
      (dorun (map (partial sync-order config) users)))))
require "rjmetrics_client"
client =, "your-api-key")

fake_orders = [
  {:id => 1, :user_id => 1, :value => 58.40,  :sku => "milky-white-suede-shoes"},
  {:id => 2, :user_id => 1, :value => 23.99,  :sku => "red-button-down-fleece"},
  {:id => 3, :user_id => 2, :value => 5.00,   :sku => "bottle-o-bubbles"},
  {:id => 4, :user_id => 3, :value => 120.01, :sku => "zebra-striped-game-boy"},
  {:id => 5, :user_id => 5, :value => 9.90,   :sku => "kitten-mittons"}

def sync_order(client, order)
  order[:keys] = [:id]
  return client.pushData("orders", order)

if client.authenticated?
  fake_orders.each do |order|
    sync_order(client, order).each do |response|
      if response["code"]
        puts "Synced order with id #{order[:id]}"
        puts "Failed to sync order with id #{order[:id]}"
import rjmetrics.client

CLIENT_ID = 0000
API_KEY = 'your_api_key'

client = rjmetrics.client.Client(CLIENT_ID, API_KEY)

fake_orders = [
  {"id": 1, "user_id": 1, "value": 58.40,  "sku": "milky-white-suede-shoes"},
  {"id": 2, "user_id": 1, "value": 23.99,  "sku": "red-button-down-fleece"},
  {"id": 3, "user_id": 2, "value": 5.00,   "sku": "bottle-o-bubbles"},
  {"id": 4, "user_id": 3, "value": 120.01, "sku": "zebra-striped-game-boy"},
  {"id": 5, "user_id": 5, "value": 9.90,   "sku": "kitten-mittons"}

def sync_order(client, order):
  order["keys"] = ["id"]
  return client.push_data("orders", [order])[0]

# make sure the client is authenticated before we do anything
if client.authenticate():
  for order in fake_orders:
    # iterate through users and push data
    response = sync_order(client, order)
    if response.ok:
        print "Synced order with id ", order["id"]
        print "Failed to sync order with id ", order["id"]